Let's Talk!
We spend the majority of our lives Between Our Walls. We nurture a sense of comfort, familiarity, and personality at home through our style choices. Our choices build our home’s character, making each room an extension of the family living there.
As a decorator, my job is to collaborate with my client, my team and tradespeople to design a home that reflects you. My goal is to work with you to turn your house into a true home using my training, experience, and resources. I want to share my knowledge, and openly discuss the realities of interior design so you can have a home filled with personality and practicality. Design is accessible, and so are designers!
So let’s talk. Let’s talk about what an interior decorator offers.
Let’s talk about things like . . .
• Setting a budget and sticking to it
• Selecting colors
• Decorating with things you already own
• Planning for pets
• Deciding when to do it yourself and when to hire a pro
• Organizing your rooms
• Balancing the pretty with the practical
My goal is to improve the quality of your home life. Let’s talk about how to make your home a true reflection of the family living there.
Let’s talk about life Between Our Walls.
I guess you already know my name but I wanted to share a little bit about me with each blog post. Home decorating is a very personal business. As a decorator, I need to know a lot about my clients and their lifestyle to really meet their needs. I thought it was only fair that you know a little about me. If all you are interested in is learning more about decorating, you can skip this part in the future, but if you want to know a little bit more about me and my life, this is where I get personal.
Basic bio: Married almost 27 years, 2 kids, one of each, both in college, one graduating in May, one dog and one cat. The dog and cat are both old and pathetic, but what are you going to do? Like most of you my life is pretty ordinary, but at the risk of getting too philosophical, an ordinary life is an extraordinary thing. All of life’s ups and downs, the changes each year brings, are the fabric that make up my one life. It is far from perfect (I don’t make my bed everyday even though my mother taught me to, my husband and I fight but we stick it out, and my kids aren’t straight A students, star athletes or destined for fame and fortune) but I wouldn’t trade this life for any one else’s.
Until next time.
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